Workplace health and safety

Employers call for CFMEU 'cleanup' amid gender violence reports

Employers call for CFMEU 'cleanup' amid gender violence reports

'More needs to be done on the ground right now to confront the CFMEU's absolutely unacceptable conduct'

'Health disaster': SafeWork NSW probing cases of silicosis among tunnel workers

'Health disaster': SafeWork NSW probing cases of silicosis among tunnel workers

'This isn't just negligence, it's a complete betrayal of workers'

'Prescribing opioids definitely isn't a front-line treatment for workplace injury and disease'

'Prescribing opioids definitely isn't a front-line treatment for workplace injury and disease'

Academic cites challenges of addiction after Monash University finds many injured workers receiving 'high-risk' prescriptions

Crisis management 'critical' in wake of Cyclone Alfred: expert

Crisis management 'critical' in wake of Cyclone Alfred: expert

'People need to feel heard – touching base, making sure things are okay – it's all about building trust'

Employers told to be more 'conscious' of hygiene practices amid office return in Australia

Employers told to be more 'conscious' of hygiene practices amid office return in Australia

Concerns about illness transmission rising among employees: survey

How to tell an employee they smell bad without offending them

How to tell an employee they smell bad without offending them

Learn the professional best practices for how to tell an employee they smell bad. Find out how to break the news in the least embarrassing, most constructive way