What are the most-searched-for jobs in Australia?

Australians show preference for 'altruistic' jobs: report

What are the most-searched-for jobs in Australia?

The role of a real estate agent is the most-searched-for job in Australia based on search queries on Google, according to an analysis from BizCover.

The question "how to become a real estate agent" had 37,300 Google searches between August 2023 and July 2024, the analysis revealed.

The real estate agent role is also the most popular job in every state and territory in Australia except for New South Wales.

Source: BizCover

"There could be a few different factors driving this trend, which may include a busy housing market that promises job security and room for growth for aspiring agents," BizCover said in a blog post.

Coming after the real estate agent role is Justice of Peace, which had 25,500 Google searches between August 2023 and July 2024.

Psychologist was third on the list (21,500), followed by pilot (20,900), and then paramedic (18,900).

Source: BizCover

'Altruistic' roles in demand

Based on the list, BizCover said Australians have an interest in roles that focus on helping others, such as:

  • Paramedic (18,900)
  • Police officer (12,420)
  • Firefighter (12,000)
  • Nurse (11,710)
  • Social worker (11,300)
  • Teacher (10,640)

"[For] many Aussies, it seems it's not just about bringing home a big paycheque. Some Australians' dream jobs are quite altruistic," BizCover said. "An interest in these kinds of roles shows that the dream job for many Aussies is one that focuses on helping others."

BizCover also noted that the divide among Australians between roles that provide job security and roles that focus on helping others was the "most surprising" finding.

"Ultimately, this data shows a growing trend, especially among younger generations, where people are searching for a job that can provide personal fulfilment and job satisfaction," it added.

The online insurance service tracked the terms "how to become a [job]" for various occupations in each of the top 50 most populated Australian cities to determine the most-searched professions for Australians.

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