Find Inspiration from 25 creative recruitment ads

HR Professionals are quickly becoming modern marketers. These creative ads will help you to attract talent

Before launching your next recruitment ad, it may be useful to remember what you liked about your favorite recruitment ad campaigns, and see if you can apply those learnings and design best practices to your own campaigns.

By nature, a good ad creative can’t be all things to all people. But you could use these questions as thought starters to guide and help spark creativity and ideas.

Is the call to action clear? Is my company’s talent brand accurately reflected? Does the design command attention and make people stop and want to read it? Is the copy as succinct as can be? Did we mention the best part of working with us? Will the target candidate get a good sense of our team culture? Will the target candidate know what makes our company the best in class? Did we demonstrate to our targets that we know them and understand their needs? Did we speak from the heart?

Download our 25 Inspiring Recruitment Ads eBook to boost your creative juices!