Businesses push for tourism recovery as part of election agenda

Experts endorse 'seven key priorities' for the next federal government

Businesses push for tourism recovery as part of election agenda

Different employers and key players of the country’s tourism industry had recently called on the next federal government to implement programs to ensure tourism recovery, noting that the upcoming election occurs at a “critical time”.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (ACCI) Tourism sector has urged both parties to commit to measures that will “assist in the recovery and capitalise on the potential of the visitor economy”.

Australian Chamber – Tourism’s executive chair John Hart said that Australian tourism has been “severely impacted” since COVID-19’s onslaught, citing that the total expenditure losses is estimated at $142 billion.

“There’s a lot of ground to make up, and now that the international borders are open and the cruise industry has restarted, it is a crucial that our next federal government to support the rebuilding of tourism businesses and kickstart tourism growth. This will equip the tourism sector to support local jobs and communities, benefitting all Australians,” Hart said.

In a media release, Australian Chamber – Tourism highlighted “seven key priorities” that political parties should commit to as part of their election agenda, saying that the said list would help the country’s tourism industry to “get ahead”:

1. Equip Tourism Australia to remain a world leader in international destination marketing.

Now that international borders have reopened, a greater effort will be required to compete with other countries for tourists, and to ensure Australia remains an attractive destination. Australian Chamber – Tourism is calling for an increase of Tourism Australia’s funding to $240 million per annum with an ongoing domestic role, and an increase to the business events bid fund. This is a critical component to attract visitors in a highly competitive international market.

2. Introduce initiatives to make Australia a cost competitive destination.

To ensure that Australia can restore its standing as an internationally competitive destination, a number of initiatives such as refunding tourist visa fees and scrapping passenger movement charges must be considered. This will make Australia a more cost competitive destination and drive much-needed international demand. In addition, the outdated Tourist Refund Scheme must be improved, which will assist in attracting return visits and increasing retail sales.

3. Target financial support to tourism businesses experiencing a lag in recovery.

There will be a significant lag in the return to pre-COVID-19 levels due to the delay in the ability to attract customers and revenue. It is essential that all political parties commit to providing support measures to hard-hit businesses that will continue to be negatively impacted beyond the lifting of restrictions, including travel agents, inbound tour operators, and the business events sector.

4. Address workforce shortages and build a resilience.

The tourism sector faces severe skills and labour shortages impacting its ability to rebuild and recover effectively. Australian Chamber – Tourism supports the priority areas in ACCI’s Back Australian Business campaign, locking in support for tourism businesses to be eligible for apprentice and trainee wage subsidies. The working holidaymaker fee waiver must be extended, and a commitment to develop a promotional campaign to encourage career pathways in tourism and hospitality.

5. Improve passenger facilitation.

With Australia’s border recently reopened, it is an ideal time to further invest in streamlining the systems and processes for movements of passengers across the border. Passenger facilitation systems must be retooled to enable contactless movement through Australian ports. Additionally, the decision to pass on the full fixed and variable costs of facilitating passenger movements for all new commencing international services, to the ports themselves, is a disincentive to the growth of services and routes. To address this, Australian Chamber – Tourism is calling for increased funding for airports wishing to commence international routes.

6. Help tourism businesses grow their exports in international markets.

The Export Market Development Grants program should be extended to businesses that were previously deemed ineligible This occurs when businesses reach the eight grant limit. The grant program should be extended specifically for tourism businesses that will need to rebuild trust and confidence in existing and emerging markets. This reflects the need for tourism businesses to claim for investment in promotional activities, particularly in the post pandemic scenario where these businesses would most likely need to find new markets or refocus efforts towards existing markets to bring back visitors.

7. Develop Australian products that will attract new and repeat visitors.

Rebuilding domestic and international tourism requires a diverse range of product that will attract new and repeat visitors, promoting geographic dispersal of visitors and ensuring that tourism infrastructure is up to the task. There is an ongoing need to fund tourism related infrastructure including smaller projects that can drive demand and develop quality product by understanding existing and potential markets. A commitment is needed to integrate initiatives that build tourism operator capacity in long-term tourism strategies.”

“We have already seen a commitment by the Coalition Government for targeted financial assistance for hard-hit businesses that will continue to be negatively impacted beyond the lifting of restrictions, including travel agents and tour arrangement service providers. It is crucial that all political parties indicate their support for measures to help these businesses bounce back,” Hart said.

The Australian Chamber – Tourism has also emphasised its support for areas in ACCI’s “Back Australian Business” campaign, including workforce participation, skills development, migration and addressing significant increases in the cost of business insurance.