Paulinet Tamaray

Paulinet Tamaray

Paulinet Angela S. Tamaray is a licensed lawyer and a senior legal writer for several Key Media publications, including Australasian Lawyer, and Human Resources Director.

She graduated with a degree in Sociology and a Juris Doctor degree. Her reporting and research cover all areas of law and legislative developments in North America and Asia-Pacific jurisdictions.

She is also an occasional lecturer for postgraduate students, teaching legal medicine, ethics, social sciences and professional writing. Her free time is devoted to offering pro bono legal services to underserved communities.

She is deeply passionate about intersectional feminism, sustainable development, and social justice.



Worker loses dismissal claim after creating "fictional" company arrangement

Worker loses dismissal claim after creating "fictional" company arrangement

Employment status case reveals dangers of contractual misrepresentation

Worker's claims of being "forced to resign" fall flat without evidence

Worker's claims of being "forced to resign" fall flat without evidence

Prepared resignation letter showed true intent

Workplace exclusion not enough to prove forced resignation, FWC rules

Workplace exclusion not enough to prove forced resignation, FWC rules

Leadership conflicts and role confusion lead to resignation, but was it truly forced?

Workplace role-sharing leads to resignation conflict

Workplace role-sharing leads to resignation conflict

FWC rules on whether reduced responsibilities constitute constructive dismissal

Worker wins unfair dismissal case after email termination

Worker wins unfair dismissal case after email termination

FWC orders employer to pay worker three weeks' wages, amounting to $7,700

Mental health affected by dismissal: Worker receives compensation

Mental health affected by dismissal: Worker receives compensation

FWC rejects employer's arguments about mitigation, awards four weeks' pay

Workplace confusion: When job ads create dismissal misunderstandings

Workplace confusion: When job ads create dismissal misunderstandings

FWC rules employer's recruitment activity didn't amount to employee termination

Can a client also be an employer? FWC clarifies

Can a client also be an employer? FWC clarifies

Case unpacks real-world employment relationships in support work

Performance issues not communicated: Employer ordered to pay compensation

Performance issues not communicated: Employer ordered to pay compensation

Site access revocation case highlights importance of timely feedback

Do training days before site mobilization count toward a minimum employment period?

Do training days before site mobilization count toward a minimum employment period?

FIFO worker faces start date dispute in unfair dismissal claim