Performance management always seems to be someone else's responsibility, but how can HR encourage managers who have shied away from this task to be more active? Sarah Rodgers provides her tips
Performance management always seems to be someone else's responsibility, but how can HR encourage managers who have shied away from this task to be more active? Sarah Rodgers provides her tips
In recent months I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with a large number of people. What I have observed is a surprising number of managers who still believe that performance management is someone else’s responsibility. Yes, really! As you can imagine, it’s had me shaking my head. Instead of being critical and feeling frustrated about this (which is how I responded when I was in a line HR role), I’ve tried to understand.
Sure, performance management isn’t easy; it can be daunting, especially for an inexperienced manager and time consuming. However, I think it’s useful to consider the cost of not having a conversation; on the individual, on the rest of your team, and finally on you, as the manager. If you let under/poor performance go unnoticed, don’t be fooled into thinking that others won’t notice! Abrogating responsibility to HR can seem easy, but in reality, it’s you and your team who suffer if you do nothing. Not to mention the poor person you as a manager have chosen not to have a conversation with. Put yourself in their shoes; wouldn’t you prefer to know you weren’t on track so you could fix it?
So, what did I find? Managers who shied away from performance management were typically:
In relation to the last point, I would agree, it can be time consuming to manage poor performance. Remember though that the alternative, i.e. do nothing, is likely to be more time consuming for you and the remainder of your team who in addition to having to do your own jobs, now also have to do the work of the under-performing staff member.
So, how might we (as HR professionals) assist in driving positive change in our organisations?
Finally, if a) – c) above aren’t working for your organisation, you could consider tweaking your performance measurement system: in my experience, measurement drives behaviour, so it can be a powerful motivator!
Sarah Rodgers is the Principal of iolite consulting. For further information visit