Tired of your current role? Feeling like you could make more money, but don’t know which HR functions are commanding the dough? Here are the most in-demand HR jobs right now.
If every day feels like ‘groundhog day’ – it could be high time to switch jobs. But before you jump at the first HR role that comes your way, you may need to up skill in order to really switch jobs for the better, rather than simply moving sideways.
According to recruitment and HR consulting firm Hays, employers are wary of hiring candidates who seemed to have moved around too frequently. “They are also being very specific with their requirements, being more demanding about core and soft skills,” said Carolyn Dickason, Regional Director of Hays Human Resources. “Employers want candidates with a proven and stable background, and some are willing to wait to find the exact match,” Dickason said.
So which HR roles are the most in-demand? The Hays Quarterly Report for January to March 2013 identified Fly-in Fly-out (FIFO) HR Advisors, Learning and Development and Training Managers as the most in-demand roles right now.
The report also found there are pockets of shortages for specific skills, and for HR professionals looking at moving into a more senior role, or perhaps a different HR function, here are the latest trends across titles:
Private sector
HR Managers – As businesses focus more on the bottom line, HR Managers are in high demand to help streamline policies and procedures, and work directly with senior leaders to ensure the right talent strategies are in place to meet business strategies.
HR Advisors and Coordinators – HR Advisors and coordinators are always in demand to provide solid operational support to the team.
Instructional Designers and Learning and Development Consultants – Instructional designers and L&D Consultants are in demand on a contract basis to meet short-term needs in the space, where a permanent headcount is not needed.
HR Administrators – Teams are consolidating and there is more emphasis put on Managers to do their own administration which is not always possible, therefore these candidates are now in demand.
OD Specialists (WA) – With a current period of transition for a lot of West Australian companies, businesses are requiring change management specialists to carry out the work.
Public Sector
Training Managers, HR Assistants, HR Managers and HR Advisors (FIFO) – There are an increasing number of civil engineering firms, such as gas pipeline businesses, having to build up teams of site based professionals, particularly in Queensland. However, these firms are not paying as much as the mining sector and it is increasingly difficult for them to get candidates with the relevant experience. Therefore, employers are opening up the criteria and are looking at candidates who have no prior FIFO experience.