The application process that lasts longer than a trip to Mars

Applicants for the graduate program of one of the Public Sector’s departments will undergo a ten month process in their bids to secure post-university employment.

Australia’s Defence Department is using its graduate program to fill the void in engineers and technical staff – but the graduates will be walking into an uncertain workplace.

The graduate program is currently open for applications, with the Department accepting entries for eight major sectors.

Applicants will undergo a ten month process – which will discard those who give just one dissatisfactory answer – meaning that their efforts to secure employment with the department could take longer than a journey to Mars.

The salaries being offered range from $53,000 and $65,000 per year, with graduates being placed in the departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Social Services, Industry and Science, Infrastructure and Regional Development along with the Australian National Audit Office and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Applications will be received by the department whilst it undergoes reforms due to be set by the First Principles review – which could lead the loss of more jobs in the public service.

According to the job advertisements, engineering graduates will rotate between the private and public sectors, while the Navy civilian engineer development program offers a three year traineeship involving six work rotations.

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that a leaked internal audit of the Defence Materiel Organisation showed that DMO staff could be signing off on equipment authorisations without having the necessary skill level because of the skills shortage.

At the time, a spokesman for the department said there had been no identified instances where this had happened.