The decision by the Community and Public Sector Union (CPSU) to bring the government before the
Fair Work Commission (FWC) has drawn criticism from Employment Minister
Michaelia Cash.
“Rather than concocting various stunts which unnecessarily delay public servants receiving pay rises, the CPSU would better serve their members by ensuring they receive the additional wages to which they are entitled and for which the Australian taxpayer can afford,” she said.
“The CPSU is only focused on organising endless industrial action and disseminating misleading information rather than facilitating timely and reasonable pay rises for the public servants they purport to represent.”
Reiterating the government’s position, the Senator’s office said that the disputed 2015 Workplace Bargaining Policy would remain in place. Agencies would continue offering wage increases of up to 2% per year.
They urged the union to head back to the negotiating table to finalise the new enterprise agreements it had “endlessly delayed” over the past two years.
To date, 54 Commonwealth agencies have had agreements finalised under the current bargaining policy, they said. Additionally, several proposed enterprise agreements have received approval by the Australian Public Service Commission and are set to be voted on shortly.
The union claims this action is necessary with the minister allegedly failing to engage in good faith for the contested enterprise agreements.
"There's a bitter irony that we've had to take Minister Cash to the Fair Work Commission to get her to fulfil even her most basic obligations," CPSU national president Alistair Waters told
The Australian.
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