Fair Work Commission news

'Consistency' is key when dealing with misconduct hearings, says employment lawyer

'Consistency' is key when dealing with misconduct hearings, says employment lawyer

Worker was unfairly dismissed after FWC found informal chats were used against them

Worker loses dismissal claim after creating "fictional" company arrangement

Worker loses dismissal claim after creating "fictional" company arrangement

Employment status case reveals dangers of contractual misrepresentation

Worker's claims of being "forced to resign" fall flat without evidence

Worker's claims of being "forced to resign" fall flat without evidence

Prepared resignation letter showed true intent

Age discrimination claims can be mitigated with clear 'over-communication', says lawyer

Age discrimination claims can be mitigated with clear 'over-communication', says lawyer

FWC finds worker unfairly dismissed for being 'too old' to work

Workplace exclusion not enough to prove forced resignation, FWC rules

Workplace exclusion not enough to prove forced resignation, FWC rules

Leadership conflicts and role confusion lead to resignation, but was it truly forced?