Fickle Gen Y stereotype busted

Generation Y workers are often painted in a negative light when it comes to things like job loyalty, but new research shows that may just be a myth.

In the screeds of research done on Generation Y workers, it isn’t often that they’re touted as having great job loyalty.

But new research by Hays shows exactly that – loyalty and a desire for job security.

Of the Australians aged 18 to 30 who were surveyed, 73% expected to have six or fewer employers in their careers.

They also wanted to feel valued and appreciated and considered job security when assessing career success.

“It seems we’ve given Australia’s Generation Y a bad rap,” said Nick Deligiannis, managing director of Hays in Australia and New Zealand.
“This generation is more conventional than they have been portrayed, with security and loyalty high priorities, much as they are for the remainder of the workforce.”
According to the survey, 23% believed they should stay with an employer for at least two years, compared to an average of 15% across the other countries Hays surveyed.
Job security was also considered one of the top four indicators of career success, along with job satisfaction/enjoyable work, work-life balance and personal wealth, while 45% of respondents said that job security was the key factor they wanted from their career.
When it came to leadership, respondents wanted a supportive boss who was a coach or mentor and offered a close and informal relationship.
“Developing a coaching and mentoring culture will be very important for Generation Y, who will gain value from this sort of relationship with their leaders,” said Deligiannis.