Australian HR Awards 2021: Final call to secure your seat

It's not long until this year's virtual Australian HR Awards

Australian HR Awards 2021: Final call to secure your seat

The date of this year’s Australian HR Awards is fast approaching, bringing with it a much-needed opportunity to celebrate with industry peers and professionals from across the country.

Thanks to the current restrictions in Sydney and Melbourne the event will be held virtually on September 17, but it promises to be bigger and more engaging than ever. This year, HRD will be running a series of panels featuring excellence awardees across each award category from the likes of Telstra, the NSW state department, TikTok, EY, Deloitte and Coles.

Read more: Australian HR Awards 2021: First look at virtual panels

Delving into the big issues facing HR leaders today, panellists will share their own insight and experience after another challenging 12 months. Then from 7pm, it’s time to celebrate as HRD announces the winners of this year’s awards. It’s an opportunity to shake off the sweatpants and indulge in the usual glitz and glamour of the event, all from the comfort of your own home.

Nigel Ward, CEO at Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors, this year’s event partner, said 2021 has already been a defining year for the HR industry.

“I was amazed last year to see so many in the HR community with the capacity to just keep going, despite having all the issues and troubles in their backpack.  Often these HR mangers played the role of leader, mentor, technician and more than ever last year, counsellor, being the sponge for the emotions of an organisation,” he told HRD.

“The 2021 Australian HR Awards provide an opportunity for the community to show solidarity and to put that backpack down for a moment, reflect, take a breath, and celebrate what they have guided the business community through.”

Click here to see the full agenda and secure your spot before registration closes on September 16.