The payroll mistake that could cost you business

The payroll mistake that could cost you business

Outsourcing payroll can be cost-effective at certain stages of a business’s life. But how much time and cash are you really saving?  You’re usually only outsourcing the processing of the pay run, and you’re still required to review and approve each step of the process.

So as your business grows, it makes more sense – and will likely be cheaper – to take payroll in-house and hire staff to manage the payroll function internally. With the right tools in place, it’s easier than ever to handle.

Stop wasting time and money that you could be using to generate more business. In this whitepaper from Sage MicrOpay, you’ll learn how an in-house payroll solution can:

  • Lower payroll costs
  • Streamline compliance
  • Boost efficiency and save time
  • Simplify your payroll data

Fill in the form to download.


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