Free Whitepaper: The Engagement Paradox Report

Free Whitepaper: The Engagement Paradox Report

The Australian workplace is facing an engagement paradox in 2024 with market forces causing employee retention to rise, while engagement and happiness fall. Unfortunately for business and HR leaders, this presents key challenges to productivity and output at a time when competition is fierce and businesses are under increasing scrutiny. 

Reward Gateway surveyed over 2,300 Australian employees, HR and business decision makers. These findings can be found in the new Engagement Paradox Report, download the report and discover top trends including how: 

  • Employee engagement is at an all-time low while retention rises 
  • Recognition and work-life balance are driving employee happiness 
  • Managers are under more pressure as business performance wanes 

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your organisation's employee engagement and happiness. Download the report now and take the first step towards a more engaged and productive workforce! 


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