Case Study: Australia Post’s employee lead referral program

Case Study: Australia Post’s employee lead referral program
How an iconic Australian brand is turning its 37,000-strong workforce into new business hunters, with drool-worthy results.
Like many businesses, Australia Post believed there had to be a more effective, more efficient way to seek out and capture new business leads. They also knew that an increase in lead volume and quality would deliver improved conversion rates and in turn, revenue growth. It’s a simple equation and a universal business challenge.
So what did they do?
Australia Post saw an opportunity. The company believed nobody was better equipped to spot relevant prospects than its own workforce.
And so, with the help of employee loyalty and incentive specialist, Accumulate, together with a fun canine-inspired program brand, the Seeker employee lead referral program was born.
Now, mid-way through its roll-out, the program has not only captured the imagination of employees, it’s already exceeded Australia Post’s new business revenue expectations.
Download this case study to learn:
  • How the Australia Post Seeker lead referral program works
  • The results the program has delivered; and
  • The key drivers of the program’s success
Warning: In addition to valuable business information, this case study contains high levels of amusing dog imagery and puns.
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Case Study: How Australia Post is Turning its Workforce into New Business Hunters, with Drool-Worthy Results from accumulate

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