Workplace learning help desk offers practical suggestions and resources for improving the performance and potential of employees. As the website for Alastair Rylatt consulting, Rylatt has lectured around the world on HR related issues for the past 15 years, and shares his insights through articles, links and newsletters – the most useful resources for HR professionals here
Workplace learning help desk is the website for Alastair Rylatt consulting, and it offers practical suggestions and resources for improving performance and potential of employees. Rylatt has lectured around the world on HR related issues for the past 15 years, and shares his insights through articles, links and newsletters – the most useful resources for HR professionals here.
Articles are listed by year, with some of the more recent features including learning and training smarter, choosing e-learning, championing knowledge work and best practice team learning. Articles are short and to the point, with the main findings in useful bullet point format. Links summarise the major workplace learning websites, and are divided into Asia-Pacific and global sites. Newsletters lists two free services, a bi-monthly update on Rylatt’s latest research, and the training tips in working smarter. The last newsletter is archived on the site, and includes summaries and short opinion pieces on HR developments around the globe.
Navigation is very basic, but effective. Design is similar; however, the frames comprising site layout make screen real estate cramped, especially when it comes to the space for reading articles. Despite this, Workplace learning help desk is worth a bookmark and a browse in spare time.