Masters of Success

Masters of Success: Proven techniques for achieving success in business and life is a collection of stories from notorieties who have ‘been there, done that’ on how to succeed in life

edited by I Misner & D Morgan

Entrepreneur Press, 2004


Masters of Success: Proven techniques for achieving success in business and life is a collection of stories from notorieties who have ‘been there, done that’ on how to succeed in life. In what could be likened to an American business version of Chicken Soup for the Soul, editors Ivan Misner and Don Morgan provide insights on success from names such as Erin Brockovich, Buzz Aldrin, Wayne Dyer, John Gray and Tony Robbins.

Once you get past the PR spin, Masters of Success does actually make for interesting reading. Founded on storytelling, this more personal approach from each of the book’s contributors is broken up into a number of areas, such as goals and vision, adversity and risk taking, following your passion and social capital. While the book is more likely to be read for personal interest than professional HR insights, it does provide a few stories of relevance. For example, former Porsche CEO Peter Schutz examines how to leverage a company’s human resources and make the most of the knowledge, goodwill and wisdom of a workforce in ‘The culture of excellence.’ Business coach Tom Fleming looks at the role of collaboration in business and its benefits in ‘It’s about collaboration, not competition.’

While Masters of Success is a succinct guide to success in any number of spheres, it will prove of limited interest to HR professionals unless they have a personal interest in self improvement.

Content 8/10

Presentation 6/10

Value 7/10