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It’s sought by employers and employees alike. Melissa Yen reviews resources for achieving success

it’s sought by employers and employees alike. Melissa Yen reviews resources for achieving success

GoalsUnlimited: www.goalsunlimited.com

GoalsUnlimited.com is designed to help members achieve their goals through the provision of online tools and resources to enhance professional and personal productivity.

Completely user-friendly, this website provides a simple four step system for setting goals, benchmarking them and developing strategies to achieve them, with email reminders sent to keep you focused and on track. The site allows you to build a ‘My Life Plan’ page, summarising goals and strategies. The page can then be updated and modified as needed. A Resource Tool Kit provides learning and development tools, articles, a free e-tips newsletter, tele-seminars and Blue Print Tools to help you identify your personality type and skills. The $49.97 for a 12-month membership is a small price to pay for ensuring your success this year and GoalsUnlimited.com is well worth a look.

The Success Principles: how to get from where you are to where you want to be. By Jack Canfield. HarperCollins, 2005. $34.95

The Success Principles reveals what author Jack Canfield refers to as 64 timeless principles of success. Set out clearly, with a chapter dedicated to each principle, his advice is straightforward and practical. For instance: “Take 100% Responsibility for your Life”, “Reject Rejection” and “Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway”. Canfield uses his own experience and that of others to illustrate the principles. Filled with anecdotes depicting everyday people from all walks of life who have saved themselves from financial disaster as a result of following his advice, it seems as though Canfield’s definition of success is monetary. However, he does claim the fundamentals are the same for all people, regardless of their profession or the goals they want to achieve. He offers specific techniques such as positive thinking exercises to overcome fear and bad habits, as well as principles for building good people management.

The 7 Simple Secrets to Success: the easy way to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted in life

By Shane Ellis. Success Imprinting, 2005 $19.99

This book paves the way to actually implementing those New Year’s resolutions. As the tag line says, this is the easy way to achieve everything you’ve ever wanted in life. A bold claim, yes, and while it won’t tell you how to win the lottery, it will give you seven simple steps (note, not ‘easy’) for achieving your goals.

After near corporate burnout five years ago, the author decided to reinvent himself and in so doing, became conscious of seven “secrets”. The trick is in breathing, hydration, eating habits, grandstanding, educational kinesiology exercises, actions for success plans, switching off and cooling down. That’s seven, to save you counting.

While the book is yet another of those self-help books in an already flooded market, it offers some inspiring and helpful suggestions on ways to grow – in each of the mental, emotional and physical ways.

Made for success: www.madeforsuccess.com

Developed by US-based consultant Chris Widener, this motivational site draws on what Widener has learnt from the CEOs and Senior Vice Presidents of some of the world’s largest companies. Whether your goals are personal or professional, the site provides plenty of resources for inspiration and motivation and includes information designed to help you or your organisation succeed. It offers plenty of articles written by some of the world’s most renowned business philosophers, such as Jim Rohn, and on such topics as motivation, leadership, teamwork, business, change and many more. Additional resources include a links directory to other motivational sites and several free newsletters. At a cost, Made for Success offers a range of programs on motivation and leadership in a variety of formats that can be ordered online. All in all, this is a great site on which to spend a bit of time and even money for strategies to reach success.