Don Clark (“Big Dog”) is an inventory control leader for the Starbucks coffee roasting plant in Seattle. Clark has served in a number of training, leadership and HR-related positions over a number of decades, and incorporated his knowledge into a website, called “Big Dog’s bowl of biscuits”
Don Clark (“Big Dog”) is an inventory control leader for the Starbucks coffee roasting plant in Seattle. Clark has served in a number of training, leadership and HR-related positions over a number of decades, and incorporated his knowledge into a website, called “Big Dog’s bowl of biscuits”.
The ‘bowl of biscuits’ consists of a number of pages, with three of the more useful for HR being training, leadership and performance. The training page includes a full instructional system design training manual, which is a comprehensive guide to analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation of training programs.
The leadership page is a comprehensive guide to issues such as leadership and communication, leadership and motivation, and leadership and presentations, for example. The performance page is no less comprehensive, with more links to Big Dog pages on policy and strategy, people management, coaching and business results.
Navigation is basic but functional. Unfortunately, design is somewhat of a dog’s breakfast, with awkward frames and ad positioning as well as uninspired and bland layout. This aside, the contents of Big Dog’s bowl of biscuits are useful for training, leadership and performance professionals.