Bear Hunt

If you are miserable in your work, are underachieving or unemployed this is the book for you. It is also for anyone who wants to better apply their talents, may be about to return to employment after a break, about to retire but still wanting to do something, are successful but want more challenge or are about to leave full-time education and enter the work force

By M McClean

Publisher John Wiley & Sons, 2005


If you are miserable in your work, underachieving or unemployed, find a copy of Bear Hunt: Earn Your Living by Doing What You Love by M. McClean.

The book is perfect for anyone who wants to better apply their talents, may be about to return to employment after a break, about to retire but still work in some capacity, workers who are successful but want more challenge, and young people about to enter the workforce.

The author claims, quite rightly, that many people earn a good living and have comfortable lifestyles by doing something they hate. Yet there are limitless possibilities for earning a great living by doing something that you really love. Bear Hunt is a recipe showing how to do this.

The ingredients McClean ‘cooks’ with are: belief in the self, passion, imagery, thinking like an 8-year old, working ‘in the zone’, the ‘sticky ball principle’and the power of connections, modelling entrepreneurs, cultivating luck and noticing that small things can have big results.

Starting with helping you to discover what it is that motivates and stimulates you, Bear Hunt: Earn Your Living by Doing What You Love is about creating your own luck and your own happiness.