Australian Workplace Conference – addressing Australia’s future

Sydney University’s Workplace Research Centre is pleased to announce it will host the 2010 Australian Workplace Conference on 31st March 2010 in Sydney.

Sydney University’s Workplace Research Centre is pleased to announce it will host the 2010 Australian Workplace Conference on 31st March 2010 in Sydney. This year the Conference will be dedicated to addressing Australia’s future workforce challenges, and discussing current issues affecting the working lives of Australian people.

The Parliamentary Secretary for Employment, The Hon. Jason Clare MP, will officially open the Conference at 11am on 31st March 2010 at the Citigate Hotel, Sydney.

The Conference will feature experts from academia, government agencies, the labour movement and industry, including the Centre’s Director, Dr John Buchanan, Fair Work Australia Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson, Assistant Secretary of the ACTU, Tim Lyons, and Chief Executive, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Peter Anderson.

Speakers will address the challenges that Australia faces. Topics will include economic and labour market outlooks for 2010, discussion of Australia’s path to recovery from the financial crisis; the latest challenges and developments regarding the Fair Work Act, current workplace issues for working people and the private sector, and a strategic outlook on Australia’s future skill needs and the challenges.

For the first time, research will be also presented on the emerging topic of skill utilisation, aimed at ensuring the most effective application of skills available to maximise performance and productivity. Presented by Workplace Research Centre Senior Research Analyst Linda Scott, this research will detail a series of international examples of programs designed to assist regions with diverse skill requirements, such as Australia, with the process of ensuring current and future skill needs are met. These examples, largely from OECD nations, provide pathways to preventing skill shortages that may stand in the way of Australia’s economic recovery.

Speakers include:

The Hon. Jason Clare MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Employment

Nicholas Wilson, Fair Work Australia Ombudsman

John Kovacic, Deputy Secretary, Department of Education, Employment and

Workplace Relations (DEEWR)

Peter Anderson, Chief Executive, Australian Chamber of Commerce and


Tim Lyons, Assistant Secretary, ACTU

Barry Hughes, Consultant Economist

John Buchanan, Director, Workplace Research Centre

Robin Shreeve, CEO, Skills Australia

Linda Scott, Senior Research Analyst, Workplace Research Centre

Carolyn Ovens, Manager, Research and Strategy, Health and Community

Services Workforce Council

Steve Kennedy, General Manager, Apprentices Group Australia

Mark Polglaze, Executive Director Human Resources, GM Holden Ltd

Contact: Conference organiser Karen Treacy: 02 93515624, or Senior Research Analyst Linda Scott: 0412 272745