Struggling to hire tech talent? Here's why

A recent survey identifies common 'techie turn-offs'

Struggling to hire tech talent? Here's why

The digital economy is expected to create a demand for 150 million new tech jobs in the next five years. Yet the current reskilling crisis is reportedly preventing the world’s workforce from taking on emerging digital roles, according to analysis from the World Economic Forum.

The skills gap is only one part of the equation, however. Even among seasoned tech workers and those beginning to make career shifts into the IT industry, certain barriers such as poor recruitment practices are keeping tech talent from applying for their dream job. IT talent marketplace Haystack identified common ‘techie turn-offs’.

Lack of salary information

IT roles are among the best paid across industries, but about seven in 10 workers (73%) are put off when a job listing doesn’t come clean about the salary. “Professionals don’t want to waste their time applying for a role only to discover later that the salary does not match or exceed their expectations,” Haystack analysts said.

Adding in this vital piece of info, however, can enhance a company’s employer brand since the organisation would be seen as being transparent. Apart from the reputational boost, companies that publish their salary info also receive 65% more applications.

Read more: Virtually possible: The benefits of recruiting online

Too difficult to apply

Enough with the tedious data entry. Most tech workers hold demanding jobs and often don’t have time to manually enter their credentials into a complicated recruitment portal. In fact, more than half of IT talent (52%) immediately drop out of the screening process once they see it’s too difficult or time-consuming to complete.

Unhelpful job descriptions

When employers are competing for talent, it’s tempting to come out with a flashy job ad just to stand out and get more people interested. Half of respondents, however, are turned off by “unhelpful job descriptions” – or those that lack substance.

“Many employers are guilty of sacrificing detail for flowery language in an effort to stand out. [But] applicants need to know the ins and outs of the role they are applying for,” analysts said. Details of the post should include working hours, compensation and benefits, required tech skills and duties.

Read more: How to recruit for long-term success

Irrelevant tests

Have IT workers take irrelevant tests and more than a third will eliminate themselves from the screening process. “Time is precious and it is likely applicants won’t be applying for just the one role; if role A involves a lengthy test and role B is a simple form and CV submission, role B will win,” analysts said.

Too one-sided

Job listings that fail to outline what applicants can expect from the role also cause 27% of candidates to drop out. It’s a two-way street and employers need to specify clearly what’s in it for the new hire.

Lack of flexibility

Tech workers were among the first segments of the labour force to shift to a work-from-home setup during the pandemic. One year later, 15% of IT talent say they would likely ignore job ads that don’t offer flexible working post-pandemic.

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