Passion Maps

I remember seeing a newspaper cartoon when I was a child. It depicted a small army of grey-suited men trudging to their city offices on a Monday morning. These men all had the same downtrodden expressions on their face, the same depressed hanging of the head, and the same despondent shuffling of the shoes on their way to work. I thought to myself at the time, “Why would you? Why would you get out of bed for anything other than something you love?”

Reviewed by Craig Donaldson

I remember seeing a newspaper cartoon when I was a child. It depicted a small army of grey-suited men trudging to their city offices on a Monday morning. These men all had the same downtrodden expressions on their face, the same depressed hanging of the head, and the same despondent shuffling of the shoes on their way to work. I thought to myself at the time, “Why would you? Why would you get out of bed for anything other than something you love?”

The truth is, many people are unhappy in their current occupations. There are a myriad of reasons for this, but one of the most common ones is a lack of self-awareness. Such individuals are often unaware of their deep personal drivers, inherent interests and subsequent natural talents that are made for a certain kind of job. As the years march by and the dream of pursuing a line of work you love fades, it becomes harder to envision working in a job you love.

Passion Maps is a process designed to help people get in touch with the deep personal drivers and inherent interests that we’re often aware of as children, and then uncover the related natural talents and subsequent line of work most suited to them. The process was developed by Passion Maps’ principal facilitator, Peter Wallman, and is designed to provide participants with nine outcomes, such as precision and clarity, potential, priorities and purpose.

The map-making process is designed to integrate participants’ intelligence, emotions and other senses, and they are guided to tune into bodily responses to help them move into a more intuitive and clear space to understand their different passions in life. This makes it easier for participants to access their intuition that is so often clouded by the hectic pace of day-to-day work and other responsibilities. In doing so, the ‘shoulds’ and ‘ought tos’ of conditioned living take a back seat while participants can regain a sense of what is truly important to them and how to incorporate that into their life. The final part of the program is a ‘work in the world’ statement’, which captures a deep sense of life and career purpose in one concise statement.

Participants are provided with an in-depth preparatory workbook to assist them in preparing for their mapping sessions, a journal for reflecting during the process and a post-map workbook to help to gain traction with the passion map into their life.

The process of passion mapping is unique to each participant, and no outcome is the same for two individuals. It taps into and makes passions clearer on every level, whether in work, leisure or life in general. For some it can be the catalyst of a major sea change, while for others it can be as simple as taking up a hobby outside of work. For me, for example, the process was worthwhile in that it provided a renewed sense of clarity around my values and purpose in life. The facilitator helped me reflect on my observations and intuitions, how these were reflected in my life and to gain a vision of where these could take me in the future.

For more information, call 1300 302 684, email [email protected] or visit