Rizing create SuccessFactors configuration to track COVID-19 data

The project was spearheaded by Rizing CHRO Katie Obi and uses World Health Organisation definitions for suspected cases

Rizing create SuccessFactors configuration to track COVID-19 data

In 2020, HR leaders have been at the forefront of the COVID-19 crisis. Organisations everywhere are implementing social distancing policies or have been impacted by working from home arrangements.

Moreover, many companies have introduced special sick leave and isolation policies to prevent the spread of the virus. While these are important measures, they also create the need for data collection.

Consequently, Rizing have created a specific SAP SuccessFactors configuration that captures relevant information.

The project was led by CHRO Katie Obi and uses World Health Organisation (WHO) definitions for suspected and confirmed cases, as well as subcategories the HR team needs to understand the severity of impacts to employees.

According to Rizing, the top priority is risk management—they don’t want employees put into situations where they are more likely to be exposed. They also don’t want employees left stuck traveling to regions where travel is limited.

The data collected by the configuration has helped the Rizing HR team understand the impact of the virus on their employee base, down to a person-by-person basis.

This has helped them create individual risk management plans and track exposure of suspected and confirmed cases to other employees.

In particular, if your organisation is a small-to-medium business like Rizing, it’s extremely helpful in managing the crisis to have that information out of a spreadsheet and in an HR system.

If any SuccessFactors client does not have the in-house ability to complete the configuration, Rizing are offering support services free of charge. For others, they have created step-by-step instructions on how to configure your own system to collect important COVID-19 employee information.

Access to Rizing’s complimentary configuration guide can be found here: https://rizing.com/hcm/covid-19-sap-successfactors-employee-central-configuration?utm_campaign=Oktopost-HCM+-+COVID-19+-+Configs&utm_content=Oktopost-linkedin&utm_medium=social&utm_source=linkedin