But only half have proper policies, procedures in place for usage: report
Government agencies across Australia are urged to develop policies and procedures surrounding employees' use of messaging apps that comply with recordkeeping, freedom of information (FOI), and privacy obligations.
The message comes from a new report from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) that reviewed the use of messaging apps in government workplaces.
Among the 22 agencies whose policies and practices were reviewed, 73% or 16 of them permit messaging apps for work purposes.
Only three agencies prohibited the use of messaging apps for work, while another three agencies did not have a position on the matter.
According to the report, only half of the 16 agencies that permitted the use of messaging apps for work had policies or procedures in place to support their use.
Even then, these policies "did not address FOI, privacy, and other key obligations," the report noted. Among the seven agencies that provided their policies and procedures:
Five addressed essential security classification requirements
Six did not address essential archive requirements
Five did not address FOI search requirements
Five did not require the use of official accounts or devices when using messaging apps for work purposes
Simon Froude, director general of the National Archives, said the findings show the extent of how messaging apps are used by Australian government agencies.
"This information will help National Archives develop advice and guidance for agencies about the management of these important Commonwealth records," Froude said in a statement.
Meanwhile, the report recommended the development of policies and procedures for organisations that permit the use of messaging apps for work purposes.
These policies should "adequately address information management, FOI, privacy, and security considerations."
"While the technology being used to conduct government business is evolving, the need for agencies to equip staff to uphold legislative obligations remains," said Australian Information Commissioner Elizabeth Tydd in a statement.
The other recommendations of the report are:
Conducting a review of existing policies or developing a policy that clearly sets out whether they permit the use of messaging apps for work purposes.
Examining the features of messaging apps needed to support official work. Agencies are urged to consider the implications for communications with other agencies and develop policies and procedures for individual apps.
Ensuring that any preferred messaging apps used at work collect and handle personal information appropriately.
"Improving information governance will secure government information as a national resource and a source of truth and accountability for the Australian community," Tydd said.