ACTU said workers were the "backbone" of the recent federal elections
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) urged the newly elected leaders of the Opposition to "listen to Australians" who voted for change and reverse the inaction of the administration of former Prime Minister Scott Morrison on labour-related issues.
This includes wage growth, insecure work, and gender inequality, according to ACTU, saying that Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley have the chance to change course after a decade of refusing the acknowledge the said issues.
"A decade of the Liberal Party refusing to act to generate wage growth, improve job security or make workplaces safer and more equitable for women has weakened our economy and left millions of workers going backwards," said ACTU secretary Sally McManus.
"As the new leader of his party, Mr. Dutton has a chance to leave behind the failed policies of the last Government and embrace policy settings that will build a stronger and more inclusive economy and workforce."
Australia's recent federal election saw the loss of Morrison's bid to have his second full term as prime minister. He conceded to Labour Party Leader and now Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
ACTU said Morrison's loss in the election is the "rejection of a government which refused to act to protect the interests of work people."
"Working people have passed judgement on the refusal of the Morrison Government to take action on real wage cuts, insecure work and rising cost of living which working people have struggled through for years under this Government," said McManus in a previous statement.
"Workers have rejected a government which refused to support a $1 per hour increase for the lowest paid workers in our country, and kept caps in place which denied real wage rises to their own employees."
Read more: ACTU slams government's Summit on Women's Safety
According to ACTU, working people formed the "backbone" of this year's national campaign in the federal election.
This campaign focused on conversations between colleagues in workplaces, over phones, and social media about the failure of the previous administration in delivering services for working people.
ACTU said the campaign, led by working people, ensured that cost of living and wage growth was a "decisive issue" for millions of voters.