Flexible work, career progression for part-time employees seen as potential solutions
Men are earning much more than women across all age groups, according to a new report from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), and employers are urged to introduce improved benefits to address this.
The WGEA report revealed that the gender pay gap between men and women is increasing by age group, and peaks at 31.9% at the 55 to 64 years old age range. This means that as men have an average renumeration of $128,354, women only earn an average of $87,366.
Average renumeration for women are highest at $97,734 when they are between 35 to 44 years of age, but even that is much less than what men at the same age range, who are receiving an average renumeration of $125,566.
Minister for Women Katy Gallagher expressed concern over WGEA's findings.
"It shows that women are behind in terms of pay at every stage of their working life," she said. "It gets worse, of course, when they're having children or having caring responsibilities and disadvantages."
According to the report, no more than 50% of women are working full-time across all age ranges, which could reflect how women are held back from holding full-time positions due to their family-caring responsibilities.
Read more: WGEA director says rise in Australia's gender pay gap is 'a warning sign'
Following the revelation from the report, WGEA director Mary Wooldridge suggested offering progression opportunities for part-time workers.
"Too many employers are missing a huge talent pool by not encouraging and enabling women to work additional hours or in the managerial ranks," she said in a statement.
"With effective policies, workplaces can both enable women to work full-time if they chose to and make higher-paid managerial roles more accessible for those who work part-time."
It is also recommended that employers offer flexible work arrangements, as well as gender-neutral parental leave policies to encourage equal role-sharing between parents intaking care of their families.
Gallagher, on her end, made similar recommendations.
"Obviously, things like childcare are important, feminised industries getting adequate pay is important," she said. "But also looking at flexible arrangements at work and how being part-time shouldn't actually disqualify you from having more senior roles in your workplace."