Employer groups: Coalition’s workplace relations policy not good enough

Following the release of the opposition’s workplace relations policy on Thursday, Labor has been scathing in its response labeling the policy a return to the Howard-era WorkChoices regime.

Following the release of the opposition’s workplace relations policy on Thursday, Labor has been scathing in its response labeling the policy a return to the Howard-era WorkChoices regime.

Under the policy, should the Coalition come to power in September’s election, the current Fair Work Act would remain in place but with a range of amendments. Among the most significant – increased flexibility for workers to request changes to awards or workplace agreements – was hosed down by Labor. Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten accused the Coalition of wanting to reintroduce WorkChoices-style individual contracts in a bid to slash pay and conditions.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said in the lead up to the election, industrial relations would be a key battle ground. “'There is absolutely no doubt unions will shout the house down over this, but I don't think any fair-minded reader of our policy would see anything but sensible, fair-minded changes,'' he said.

Meanwhile, business groups have said the proposed changes to workplace laws were too timid and did not go far enough. “The Opposition has proposed some sensible but overly cautious changes to the Fair Work Act that most employers and employees would support.  There are many other key issues that need to be addressed without delay,” Innes Willox, CEO Ai Group said.

According to Ai Group, the proposed changes to the laws dealing with right of entry, enterprise bargaining, and Greenfields agreements are most welcome and should be supported by all sides of politics. “Also, welcome is the announcement that the Coalition intends to implement many worthwhile recommendations of the Fair Work Act Review which have not yet been addressed,” the employer group said in a statement.

Key points of the Coalition's policy

  • The current Fair Work system would remain in place
  • There would be changes to the Paid Parental Leave Scheme – namely, mothers six months leave based on their actual wage
  • Increased penalties for unions and officials to equal company penalties
  • The Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) would be restored to act as watchdog commercial building sites and construction projects
  • Unions' access to workplaces would be restricted.
  • Removal of the ability to restrict the use of Labor’s Individual Flexibility Arrangements in enterprise agreements.
  • Tightened negotiation timeframes for Greenfield agreements
  • Strikes would only be admissible following talks between parties.
  • Individual flexibility arrangements would be available to all workers.
  • Unfair dismissal laws would not change
  • Recommendations from the Fair Work Review would still be considered

Ai Group had the following concerns with the policy:

  • The commitment not to implement any changes recommended by a proposed Productivity Commission inquiry into the Fair Work Act, until after yet another Federal Election;
  • The proposed extremely generous Paid Parental Leave Scheme which, if funded by business, would impose a significant cost burden on employers; and
  • The fact that the policy does not go far enough in addressing key concerns of industry in areas like the content of bargaining claims, general protections, Individual Flexibility Arrangements and transfer of business.

The full policy can be read here