We all know Wednesday can be hard – it’s the half-way point of the week, but still, the weekend is not quite in sight. Now there’s even more reason to hate hump day.
Until now Monday held pride of place as the worst day of the week. Fighting the weekend blues, it’s a whole five days until it rolls around again.
But that title is now being hotly contested. Why? Because women look their worst mid-week.
One in ten women find Wednesdays the most stressful day in a week while 60% of women say that Friday is their happiest day, according to a study done by skincare brand St Tropez. A quarter of women feel stressed several times a week, and one in five (19%) report that they will work through lunch hour on Wednesday. As a result, a quarter of women tend to reach for a sugary snack in order to boost their mood and energy.
"It's fascinating that 3.30pm on a Wednesday is the time women look their oldest,” Nichola Joss from St Tropez told The Telegraph. "Combine the highest stress levels of the week on a Wednesday with the natural mid-afternoon slump and it seems that's why women can look older than their years."
Almost half of women (46%) are likely to indulge in alcoholic treats over the weekend – another factor that leads up to women looking at their oldest mid-week. The effects of an alcoholic weekend takes time to show. "It can take up to 72 hours for the visible effects of alcohol to show, so the effects of drinking on the weekend may not present themselves until Wednesday afternoon," Joss explained.
After a wild weekend of partying and getting to bed late, the shock of going back to work was shown to give many women sleepless nights.
More than a third (37%) reported that Monday night is when they are most likely to get a bad night's sleep. "The effects of a lack of sleep can take 48 hours to show on the face, so if many women sleep badly on Monday they will look their oldest on Wednesday," Joss said.