How to keep your employees happy in the great resignation

'We have a long history of experimenting with new ways to shape an organisation'

How to keep your employees happy in the great resignation

How to keep your employees happy in the Great Resignation

Co-Founder of Bendelta, Natalie Micarone speaks to HRDs Jodi Walters about winning the HRD five star employer of choice award and how Bendelta keeps their staff happy in the face of the Great Resignation.

Bendelta is a leading Australian management consulting firm that uses strategy and psychology to apply scientific principles to create sustainable business transformation.

“Bendelta’s reason for existing is to try and create human potential organisations,” said Micarone. “One of the things we did very early on was see ourselves as our own human potential lab, so we have a long history of experimenting with new and different ways to think about how we shape an organisation.

Bendelta set up a bunch of principles called the Bendelta code. The code allows Bendelta to operate with minimal structure, rules, and policy. No one has a manager; they have a coach and an impact framework that feeds them data on their progress.

“We’ve got really great data for how people are actually moving the dial, both in terms of their own individual performance but also how it’s starting to impact things like client NPS, so how is it that the market is actually thinking about us and our reputation.”

“What it’s done is, it’s enabled this environment, which is a very organic, innovative human exploration lab. What’s been really interesting about that is it’s created a culture where people have huge ownership over the impact that they’re having.”

Micarone told HRD that she understands some leaders may be sceptical of the autonomy. “So I would say biasedly, I think it’s actually delivering even greater levels of visibility and a sense of confidence in how to manage the business.

Watch the full interview here