Employers in and around the CBD may have a new opportunity on their hands – save on cab charge fares, and promote healthier, greener workplaces.
It’s not surprising that the Heart Foundation is at the forefront of providing innovative strategies to improve the health of their workers – but this is one low-tech solution that employers in and around CBDs could benefit from and promote healthier, greener workplaces in the process.
Wendy Keech from Heart Foundation SA said staff can use a bicycle to get to meetings and events. “The staff bike is used instead of the pool car to get to locations in the city,” she said. Bicycle SA chief executive Christian Haag said employers were increasingly looking at better health and transport options.
If your business in located in South Australia, there are currently grants on offer from the transport department which allow businesses to apply for funding for projects that encourage greener travel choices. Applications close on Friday, March 15 and more information is available at www.dpti.sa.gov.au
Would your workplace consider using staff bicycles to get around your local area?