Dreading another year of haphazard and poorly executed performance appraisals? Karen Barker provides her tips for revamping the process.
Dreading another year of haphazard and poorly executed performance appraisals? Karen Barker provides her tips for revamping the process.
Performance appraisals can increase team morale, staff performance and commitment. However, if done poorly they can do more harm than good. According to estimates, only 35-40% of companies manage performance reviews well. For the remaining 60-65% they are a stressful and negative annual experience that adds very little value to the employee’s growth, while at other times in the year their true needs and challenges remain ignored.
Many organisations treat performance appraisals as just another annual task in a time-poor business environment. Instead, the process should be one in which hard-working employees receive appropriate recognition and gratitude, and managers have the opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding contributions of members of their team.
What can HR professionals do to change the way that managers view performance appraisals?
In order to make sure that the whole process is positive and effective, HR professionals need to encourage managers to turn appraisals into a regular business activity, rather than simply having one per year. The reason for this is that when performance is not monitored on an ongoing basis, employees and managers might not feel as though they are able to voice any concerns that they may have. Consequently, employees are often unprepared for constructive feedback during appraisals.
HR professionals should suggest that ‘performance plans’ and appraisals be kept separate and that space is made for the former if circumstances warrant it during the course of the year.
What makes a good performance appraisal?
Performance appraisals do not have to spell angst for those involved. HR professionals can work with managers to help them improve the effectiveness of the process. Some simple strategies that you can suggest include:
If HR professionals can encourage companies to change the way they think about performance appraisals and transform them from a once-a-year chore into quarterly reviews that facilitate an ongoing and open dialogue that allows room for employees to flourish, they will effectively be helping to create an engaged and vibrant workforce that is committed to the continued success of the organisation.
About the author
Karen Barker is Director and Principal Consultant at Transitional Executive (http://transitionalexecutive.com.au/), and is an International Coach Federation credentialed coach.