What keeps CEOs awake at night?

The issue mostly likely to keep CEOs awake at night is being able to source skilled staff (52 per cent compared to 41 percent last month), according to research published by Accenture and Business Spectator this month.

The issue mostly likely to keep CEOs awake at night is being able to source skilled staff (52 per cent compared to 41 percent last month), according to research published by Accenture and Business Spectator this month.

The majority of CEOs surveyed report that initiatives to improve the skills and capabilities of key workforces and workforce or management restructuring are currently underway or planned for the next 12 months within their organisations.

Furthemore, the majority of Australian CEOs think the Federal Government’s new Fair Work industrial relations system will have no impact on their business,

The CEO Pulse survey revealed that 68 per cent of chief execs believed it would have little effect, while 28 per cent said it would a negative impact on their business.

The majority report they expect staff turnover (76 per cent), labour productivity (71 per cent) and the number of industrial disputes (53 per cent) to stay the same under the Fair Work system.

However, around seven in ten CEOs surveyed said they expect the new Fair Work system will result in a decrease in flexibility for them as an employer (73 per cent) and an increase in the cost of labour within their organisation (69 per cent).

More than one third (36 per cent) of the 75 CEOs surveyed said they prefer the federal government’s proposed paid parental leave policy compared to 12 per cent who say they prefer the opposition’s policy.