HR Leader reveals some of the latest products and services on the market for HR professionals
HR Leader reveals some of the latest products and services on the market for HR professionals
01 Situational Leadership II Virtual Learning – Blanchard
Leadership development and management training firm Blanchard’s new Situational Leadership II Virtual Learning program is an interactive online training program that balances theory with activities to build leadership knowledge and skills. The emphasis is on creating a working partnership between managers and the people they lead.
Created for mid to upper level managers, the program has been designed for developing peak performers who deliver significant results to their employer’s bottom line.
If travel costs are hampering your organisation’s training goals, going ‘virtual’ might be the answer.
The program is designed for organisation’s that want to offer instructor-led training but simply cannot afford the time of expense of face-to-face training for all the relevant employees.
Blanchard’s ‘virtual classroom’ comes as close as technology allows to the real thing, combining time- tested content with experienced instructors who have mastered the art of virtual delivery.
02 The Leading Bold Change Workshop – Global Achievers Company
Global Achievers Company is hosting workshops throughout Australia in May 2010 based on Iceberg is Melting!, a book by Harvard Professor John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber. The book was designed to put eight vital steps of successful change within the reader’s grasp in the form of a simple, funny and endearing fable about penguins stranded on a melting iceberg.
The workshops promise to offer employee management training with a difference. For one thing, no other seminar in based on a story about penguins.
Why icebergs and penguins? Apparently, the power of the penguin story works by reducing complicated ideas about corporate change to a simple and enjoyable language. This engages people faster and therefore they learn quicker.
The workshop is not only designed to educate participants’ grasp of the powerful strategies it provides for leading change, but to inject a shared sense of fun and enjoyment that will motivate successful learning.
03 Reward & Recognition Pocket Planner – RedBalloon
Experiential gift provider RedBalloon has created a pocket-sized booklet containing 52 fun, innovative and easy ideas on how to recognise and reward their employees. It include one idea for every week of the year like ‘Spoil the Spouse’, ‘VIP treatment‘ , ‘Message in a chocolate’ and ‘I Wish I Wish’ – asking your team to create a wish list of 50 things they have always wanted to do, including personal and career aspirations.
Managers have been thrown in the spotlight as research shows 70 per cent of employees leave because of their managers, not companies; combined with the fact that employees forget a thank you from their manager in as little as seven days.
This tool keeps recognition top of mind for busy managers challenged by the task of motivating and inspiring their employees. It provides tips on how to make recognition timely, specific and personalised. It’s also completely free.
For a copy of RedBalloon’s Reward & Recognition Pocket Planner email [email protected]
04 Reward Yourself Card – Incentive House
Incentive House’s multi-store Reward Yourself Card has been designed to help employers foster continued motivation over an extended period. It allows line managers to reward staff by topping up a retail card with a monetary value.
The cards can be used for single ad hoc rewards, or the reloadable card can be used as a single identifier for consecutive cumulative rewards.
Instant reward cards are an invaluable motivation tool for HR departments across all industries, whether rewarding achievement, celebrating length of service or congratulating staff for a job well done.
Each card can be loaded with up to $5,000 and are accepted at over 7,000 stores nationally, so it's a passport to a fantastic array of reward options.
Personalised branding options, both on the cards and the presentation wallet, further reinforces an employer’s reward program. Also, unlike many reward cards, the involved retailers are contracted to the scheme meaning they cannot decline the use of the card in their stores.
Contact [email protected] for more information
05 Power2Motivate – Employee Rewards Gallery
Employee reward and recognition provider Power2Motivate has just added flight rewards to its wide range of options in its employee rewards gallery.
This employee reward and recognition scheme is designed to motivate and engage staff, lift service levels, push performance and increase all-round productivity. Employers have use of an online points- based solution that’s easy to integrate and align to business values, takes minimal time to set up and is can be employer branded.
The gallery consists of tens of thousands of exciting – and effective rewards to choose from, including the latest products, experiences, everyday basics and now, new to the list, flight vouchers.
With a scheme such as this there is low upfront investment and costs are based on points awarded to staff. With such a big selection to choose from including the attractive flight vouchers, staff can choose to receive a reward they really want.
Contact [email protected] for more information