Popular perks to drive retention

What’s the one perk that could encourage your staff to stick around? You might be surprised at what counts.

Is it all about the pay cheque, or are there other steps you could take to reduce turnover? According to a recent survey, shortening the week could be the key.

While many workers say salary is their number one driver, there are all kinds of other factors that are affecting how they feel about their job, and whether they plan to stick around.

A CareerBuilder survey of 3,900 US workers found that almost two-thirds (59%) rated a flexible schedule as a key factor for job satisfaction and employee retention, with related perks like half-day Fridays getting an honourable mention (40%).

Cash was still king, with benefits a close second, with 70% saying boosting salaries was the best way to reduce turnover, followed by improving benefit plans (58%).

Asked specifically about what would improve retention, other popular answers were improving flexibility (51%), increasing employee recognition (50%), and following up on employee suggestions (48%).

When it came to the specific perks staff wished they had, the focus was on convenience and a relaxed atmosphere:

  • Half-day Fridays = 40%
  • On-site fitness centre = 20%
  • Ability to wear jeans = 18%
  • Daily catered lunches = 17%
  • Massages = 16%
  • Nap room = 12%
  • Rides to and from work = 12%
  • Snack cart that comes around the office = 8%
  • Private restroom = 7%
  • On-site day care = 6%