Lighter side: Six craziest last day hijinks

If you’re going to burn the bridge, why not have a bit of fun with it? Here are HC’s craziest last day hijinks.

Leaving a company can take on many forms: terminations and resignations can have a lot of different contexts behind them, but they are often times of high emotional stress.
Couple that with the fact that we as people are a diverse and sometimes a little bit loopy bunch and… well, an employee’s last day can be a very interesting experience indeed.

HC did the rounds of the office to find some of the craziest stories of last day hijinks from around the world. Here are our top picks:
  • Throwing a telephone at the GM – guessing they didn’t leave on the best circumstances. Hope no one was hurt!
  • Racked up a $2,000 bar tab. Apparently that was the norm here…where was this office again?
  • High school teacher parked her car in the student lunch room. As you do.
  • Wrote a song about every staff member in the office and went around singing it to them.
  • Sat in a meeting room with a case of beer. Anytime another employee came in to ask them a question, they had to down a beer with them. This was repeated later by another staff member, except with tequila instead.
  • Threw out everything. No, really. All stationary. All client files. All intellectual properties. Absolutely, positively everything. And then put a hot water bottle in a filing cabinet.