AUSTRALIA HAS recorded the lowest level of leadership confidence in the world
AUSTRALIA HAS recorded the lowest level of leadership confidence in the world.
Research from HR consulting firm DDI, reveals that almost two thirds of HR professionals and managers lack strong confidence in the ability of senior leaders to guide their organisation over the next five years.
Confidence levels at frontline and mid level leadership are even more concerning.
The results paint a disturbing picture for corporate Australia, according to Bruce Watt, managing director, DDI Australia.
“2005 commemorates 10 years since the Australian Industry Taskforce on Leadership and Management Skills (The Karpin Report) concluded that Australian businesses needed to do more to develop and prepare its leadership talent.
“The taskforce was crucial in generating increased awareness of the issue. It was the catalyst for a number of development initiatives during the mid to late 90’s.
“However, the results of DDI’s research indicate that there is still a lot of work to be done – while a lot has been put in place to improve the quality of leadership and leadership development, these initiatives have not kept pace with the shifting demands of today’s complex business environment.” Watt said.
The DDI Leadership Forecast marks the fourth benchmark study DDI has conducted. Leadership Forecast 2005 considered the attitudes of 4,559 leaders and 944 HR representatives from 42 countries around the world.
The Australian results included around 630 leaders and 110 HR representatives from more than 130 organisations. The 2005 research provides an insight, ten years on, into the practices, perceptions and realities of leadership development and leader qualities in Australia.
According to leaders and HR professionals, Australian organisations are still not doing enough to nurture and develop leadership talent.
Nearly half of all succession plans were found to be deficient in supporting the development of future leaders. 64 per cent of all leaders surveyed indicated that they arrived in their leadership position with no skills.
Only half of the leaders surveyed are satisfied with their organisation’s current leadership development offering; and 43 per cent of all organisations do not have a succession plan in place.