Inside Rio Tinto's successful L&D program

Get the inside story on mining giant's successful roll out of its blended learning program

Inside Rio Tinto's successful L&D program

At the end of 2017, Rio Tinto boasted over 6,000 leaders that had completed its Leading for Success program that builds organisational alignment, develops and engaging leader mindset and strengthens overall leadership qualities.

And the plan is for many more frontline leaders to enroll in the program.

At the upcoming L&D Masterclass in Sydney, Rio Tinto Director, Global Learning & Development Natalie Newbold will share her experience in shifting the dial on engagement and collaboration in learning in the mining giant.

Hear how Rio Tinto used the results of their People Engagement Survey to drive the design and deployment of the Leading for Success program. Further, find out how the program has had an impact on the survey results since roll out and the strategy to develop similar program for all global people leaders in 13+ countries and remote sites.

There’s much more going on at the two-day masterclass. See the agenda online.

HRD readers have only a few weeks left to take advantage of the Early Bird discounts on offer.

Find out more and book in at

The L&D Masterclass will be held at the Amora Hotel Sydney on 5-6 December.

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