For a leadership development program to succeed, leaders first need to admit that their knowledge is imperfect
Professional development tends to be something that is often neglected at the top, a leadership and people management specialist has previously told HRD. And that void in development can trickle down to the rest of the organisation.
So it is the HR Director or L&D professional’s role to prepare leaders to accept leadership development training.
At the upcoming Learning & Development Masterclass in Sydney, MetLife Director, Leadership, Learning & Talent Alexandra Sosnov will explore some ways that HR can influence leaders to admitting that their knowledge is imperfect and adopt a learning mindset.
This session will discuss ways to:
There’s a lot going on in the two-day masterclass that HRD readers will not want to miss. Find out what else is on the program and register online at
For a limited time only, HRD is offering readers Early Bird discounts on registrations to the masterclass. Save $200 on individual tickets or more with Team Passes.
The Learning & Development Masterclass will be held at the Amora Hotel Sydney on 5-6 December.