How to overcome skepticism around leadership training

For a leadership development program to succeed, leaders first need to admit that their knowledge is imperfect

How to overcome skepticism around leadership training

Professional development tends to be something that is often neglected at the top, a leadership and people management specialist has previously told HRD. And that void in development can trickle down to the rest of the organisation.

So it is the HR Director or L&D professional’s role to prepare leaders to accept leadership development training.

At the upcoming Learning & Development Masterclass in Sydney, MetLife Director, Leadership, Learning & Talent Alexandra Sosnov will explore some ways that HR can influence leaders to admitting that their knowledge is imperfect and adopt a learning mindset.

This session will discuss ways to:

  • Overcome skepticism and cynicism about the development process
  • Encourage learners to be honest about their leadership abilities
  • Teach values such as integrity, morality and empathy to leaders
  • Build personal resilience in leaders

There’s a lot going on in the two-day masterclass that HRD readers will not want to miss. Find out what else is on the program and register online at

For a limited time only, HRD is offering readers Early Bird discounts on registrations to the masterclass. Save $200 on individual tickets or more with Team Passes.

The Learning & Development Masterclass will be held at the Amora Hotel Sydney on 5-6 December.