Generation X dissatisfied with work

SEVENTY PER CENT of the generation X workforce in Australia are dissatisfied by their work conditions, leaving them feeling like the forgotten generation

SEVENTY PER CENT of the generation X workforce in Australia are dissatisfied by their work conditions, leaving them feeling like the forgotten generation. A survey of more than 250,000 workers across 1,500 organisations revealed some of the areas where generation X are discontent:

Organisational support 70%

Career prospects 67%

Co-worker relationships 62%

A majority of the respondents also described their generation X colleagues as demonstrating greater signs of stress and tension, compared to others in the organisation.

Source: Human Synergistics

One in five managers hate their employees

MORE THAN 20 per cent of managers do not like, respect or enjoy working with their employees. A study of 259 managers also revealed that 39 per cent of managers don’t feel that they’re very good at being a manager. This hostility has the knock-on effect of employees backlashing in the form of absenteeism, resignations and poor performance. The study also asked the managers if they believe their organisations are “employers of choice”, and 41 per cent of managers responded that they were not.

Source: James Adonis

Australians prefer male bosses

SEVENTY PER CENT of employees prefer to work for a male. A survey of 4,300 Australian workers revealed that while 68 per cent of workers are happy to work for either a man or a woman, those who had a preference mainly preferred a male boss, regardless of their own gender. Respect for bosses was high overall, with more than 90 per cent saying they respected their current boss.

Source: Onetest

Employers dont care about environment

MORE THAN half of Australian companies are turning their backs on environmentally-friendly initiatives. According to a survey of 1,000 Australian employees, 35 per cent say it’s time the government instituted laws to ensure that bosses participate, while 25 per cent believe managers do not care about environmental issues at all and 33 per cent report that environmental initiatives are never even considered or discussed.

Source: LinkMe

Generation Y challenges accounting sector

SIXTY-SEVEN PER CENT of accounting firms doubt the loyalty of generation Y staff. According to recent recruitment survey more than 90 per cent of managers consider generation Y to be different from their generation X counterparts, and three-quarters believe these 18–27 year olds have unrealistic expectations about salary entitlements and pace of career progression.

Source: Link Recruitment

Are workers becoming better communicators?

THE WRITTEN and verbal communication of workers has improved nearly 20 per cent over the past three years. A recent survey on workforce readiness also showed improvements in applied skills such as relationship building and business knowledge. Decreases were seen in motivation and self-direction, which were down 4 per cent, and critical thinking and problem solving, which were down 3 per cent.

Source: SHRM

Healthcare workers demand ethical workplaces

THIRTY-ONE PER CENT of healthcare and medical staff believe that good company ethics would significantly improve their current workplace. According to a recent satisfaction and motivation survey, nearly half of respondents (49 per cent) only intend on staying with their current employer for a year or less, while 18 per cent plan to stay on for three months or less.

Source: Seek

Business strategy depends on innovation

SIXTY-TWO PER CENT of senior executives think their organisation’s business strategy is dependent on innovation. However, only 21 per cent of respondents said their companies have a chief innovation executive, and even fewer (11 per cent) said there is a C-suite executive in charge of the process. The survey of 601 senior executives in the US, UK, Germany and Canadaalso revealed that companies that are successful with innovation are likely to have a chief innovation executive.

Source: Accenture

Lack of career support for vision impaired

SIXTY-NINE PER CENT of people of working age who are blind or have low vision are not in paid employment. Due to their disability many are only working part-time or have given up seeking employment according to a recent employment survey:

Unemployed 69%

Part-time 46%

Stopped looking for work 40%

It has been suggested that the cause of these statistics is linked to the common lack of career support for vision-impaired people early on in their school years.

Source: Vision Australia