Employer branding must be linked to reward

Employers should integrate employer branding with reward strategy to help position their organisation positively for the upturn, according to a new report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) produced in association with Mercer.

Employers should integrate employer branding with reward strategy to help position their organisation positively for the upturn, according to a new report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) produced in association with Mercer.

The UK-based study of 44 organisations, entitled Employer Branding and Total Reward, found that as reward can influence employee behaviours it should be linked to behaviours that ultimately support organisation strategy.

It said communication is a crucial way of reinforcing the employer brand as it raises awareness of the rewards offered by an organisation.

Charles Cotton, reward adviser at the CIPD, said employers should check whether the reward approach is adding value to the employer brand. This can be done using HR metrics such as employee surveys or performance management data, as well as business metrics such as customer service or budget reductions.

“Engagement can be enhanced by a brand that is demonstrably aligned to rewards as it provides an opportunity for companies to put their money where their mouth is in promoting desired corporate behaviours and image. Engaged employees who believe in the brand then promote the image more effectively to customers,” said Cotton.