CEOs’ view on recruitment and retention

FIFTY-EIGHT PER CENT of CEOs believe it is harder to find staff now than 12 months ago, but this is down from the 68 per cent last year

FIFTY-EIGHT PER CENT of CEOs believe it is harder to find staff now than 12 months ago, but this is down from the 68 per cent last year. It has become slightly harder to recruit and retain trades people (25 per cent up from 18 per cent last year) but slightly easier to find professional staff – IT, finance and HR (24 per cent down from 30 per cent). According to CEOs, the three main reasons for staff leaving are:

More money 25%

Poor performance 20%

Interpersonal issues 16%

Every type of activity that could encourage staff to stay with an organisation has been increased by around 10 per cent, such as: offering a positive culture (79 per cent), increased salary (59 per cent), improved training (53 per cent), improved promotion prospects (40 per cent), and improved working hours (31 per cent).

Source: TEC

UK: private sector staff want to join public sector

ONE-THIRD OF private sector employees in the UKwould consider moving to the public sector to seek more worthwhile work. A survey of 1,500 employees found that the priority for workers was to do a job well and contribute to society. More than 40 per cent of 18–25 year olds surveyed said they were contemplating a move into the not-for-profit sector within the next five years.

Source: CHA

Australians prepared to commute long distance

THREE IN four Australian workers say they would be prepared to relocate to a different city to find work while more than half would be willing to move overseas. A recent global survey of 115,000 workers found that Australians are willing to devote long periods travelling to and from work, with 14 per cent prepared to spend at least two hours a day commuting to the right job. When asked to rank the main complicating factors in moving to another country for work, the issues werechildren’s schooling (21 per cent) and tax complications (11 per cent).

Source: Kelly Services

Australians want to be virgin workers

FORTY-FOUR PER CENT of Australians want to work for Virgin boss Richard Branson. According to a recent survey of over 1,300 workers to find out the most admired bosses, the Australian name that topped the list was Gail Kelly, the new CEO of Westpac. Other employers on the wish list included Gerry Harvey, Richard Pratt, Channel Nine’s David Gyngell, Fairfax’s David Kirk, former Westpac CEO David Morgan, News Ltd’s John Hartigan, departing CEO of Macquarie Bank Alan Moore and Sol Trujillo from Telstra. On a global scale Bill Gates is the second most desired employer, followed by Steve Jobs from Apple, Marius Kloppers from BHP Billiton and Warren Buffet.

Source: Talent2

Top 10 per cent of employees plan to leave

TWENTY-ONE PER CENT of top employees dislike their job. A recent study of the top 10 per cent of the world’s most talented employees revealed that one in six talented employees plan on resigning from their current employer within the next 12 months, with 32 per cent saying that more money would make them stay. Almost 40 per cent said they don’t care to progress higher within the organisational hierarchy.

Source: James Adonis

Generations X and Y look to the stars

THIRTY-NINE PER CENT of people in generations X and Y have made at least one career decision based on their horoscope. According to an online survey of 351 respondents one fifth of people in generations X and Y have decided to quit their job, select a role or ask for a promotion, raise or transfer based on the stars. Generation Xers are slightly more likely than generation Yers to use astrology to decide when to take a job (26 per cent versus 25 per cent), but generation Xers are keener than generation Yers to know when they should leave a job or request a promotion, raise or transfer (20 per cent versus 15 per cent respectively).


Few organisations define diversity

ONLY 30 per cent of organisations have an agreed definition of ‘diversity’. A survey of 993 HR professionals and 330 diversity practitioners from a range of organisations showed that while there is evidence of more awareness of diversity in a general sense, managing diversity continues to be a challenge. Among hurdles to diversity management, survey respondents emphasised that the field is not well-defined or understood, focuses too much on compliance, and places too much emphasis on ethnicity and/or gender.

Source: SHRM

Glass ceiling still there

FIFTY-SEVEN PER CENT of workers believe the glass ceiling is still fully intact, blocking women from managerial positions. A poll of 1,800 workers (89 per cent of whom were women) found that 26 per cent of respondents believe there is a lack of flexible working arrangements for mothers, 16 per cent cited stereotyping of women, and 10 per cent listed difficulty in developing business contacts.

Source: RedBalloon

Its getting bad but were still spending

FIFTY-TWO PER CENT of chief executives forecast that economic conditions are going to get worse, and only 6 per cent say it is going to get better. This has shown a 29 per cent decrease in positive outlook over the past 90 days. Other expectations among the CEOs were:

Profit growth 55%

Increased employees 54%

Stronger dollar 39%

However, investment in fixed assets is still providing cause for optimism with 40 per cent still planning to increase their spending in this area. Only 13 per cent are looking to decrease spending on fixed investments, except in the manufacturing sector were 26 per cent of chief executives are decreasing their spending.

Source: TEC