“Bugger Generation Y”

Are we paying too much attention to the younger generation in the workforce? One business advisor thinks so

“Are we paying you enough, Generation Y? Is anyone being mean to you, Generation Y? Can I get you a pillow, Generation Y? Bugger Generation Y.”
In a recent video released on the KPMG website, Bernard Salt, the firm’s partner in charge of demographics, said that the increased focus on the wellbeing of Generation Y made him feel sorry for Generation X.
This demographic – aged between 35 and 50 – is “right slap bang in the middle of the toughest part of life in many respects: peak career, peak kids, peak mortgage,” he said.
With the focus on both the Baby Boomers and Generation Y, Generation X has remained the silent generation, sailing through without any form of recognition.
While Baby Boomers received free-fee university and college education, Gen X came in at the start of HECS. On entering the workforce, Gen X was faced with a peak unemployment rate of 12%, Salt said.
He continued, saying that now the focus had switched over to Gen Y, sometimes to levels of care which Gen X never received when they first started out.
“The good news for X’s is that you’ve now got your hands on the top job and now you can wreak your revenge on Generation Y.”
Salt praised Gen X for being “the doers, the taxpayers, the workers, the consumers that silently go about their work”.
He concluded, saying that Gen X’s have had a great contribution on society in general.
“I know that myself as a Baby Boomer rely upon it because I need X’s to keep paying their taxes so that we can live in retirement in the manner to which we’ve become accustomed. Thank you, Generation X.”
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