SEVENTY-ONE per cent of Australian workers claim their bosses expect too much of them in terms of workload.
SEVENTY-ONE per cent of Australian workers claim their bosses expect too much work from them. A survey of 1,960 people found 42 per cent do not have the staffing or IT support required to do their jobs efficiently, and compared to five years ago, employees:
Are working more 70%
Are working longer hours 64%
Have obsolete job descriptions 50%
Overall, 48 per cent of Australians say they are overworked, claiming their organisations require more staff and technology support to make them more efficient.
Source: Talent2
Discrimination by postcode
FORTY-THREE per cent of Australian workers believe they have missed out on a job opportunity because of where they live. According to a survey of 1,256 people, 64 per cent believe that certain postcode areas are viewed negatively by employers. A further 33 per cent said they had personally been discriminated against by their boss because of their postcode with 72 per cent stating city residents are more likely to get a job over those living in the outer suburbs.
Aussies staying in workforce longer
SEVENTY-THREE per cent of Australians are not yet ready to retire. While 65 years old may be the typical retirement age, 42 per cent of Australians will not be able to retire until after this age, according to 1,960 survey respondents. With 70 per cent of respondents fearing the looming skills shortage, leaving the workforce later is the most viable option for workers. Furthermore, 66 per cent of Australians do not contribute more than the compulsory amount to their superannuation.
Source: Talent2
Young accountants know what they want
YOUNG accountants from the city will stay in their current role for 5.2 years longer than those in regional and rural areas. A survey of 600 accountants aged between 21 and 30 revealed that a clear career path is essential to retaining young talent with 50 per cent of respondents claiming they aspire to become manager within five years. Almost 50 per cent of respondents claimed they intend to go overseas in the next two years, with more than half of these being male and a third less than 25 years of age.
Source: Institute of Chartered Accountants
China facing attraction and retention problems
FIFTY-FOUR per cent of multinational companies in China have experienced an increase in turnover for professional staff since last year, while 42 per cent have reported higher turnover for support staff. A survey of 100 organisations in China has found that the following benefits were offered in order to attract and retain employees:
Healthcare and related insurance 83%
Health and fitness plans 41%
Flexible working 24%
However, results showed other top methods for attracting and retaining staff in China were an attractive salary and benefits package (23 per cent), career development opportunities (19 per cent) and meaningful and creative work (7 per cent).
Source: Mercer
Discrimination against women on rise in UK
SEVENTY-TWO per cent of women in the UK claim they have been victims of sexism. A survey of 2,067 female employees found that women in 2006 feel more victimised at the office than they did in 2002 (67 per cent). The survey showed that most incidents go unreported, with only 8 per cent of respondents saying they would tell their boss if they were harassed while 81 per cent said they would not say anything. In 2006, more than ever women believed that being female harmed their chances of career progression (82 per cent), compared to 78 per cent in 2002.
Source: Peninsula & Personnel Today
Love at work
EIGHTY-TWO per cent of single Australians have said they value a successful relationship more than a successful career. However, results showed that this did not mean that office romance was ruled out with more than one-third of respondents claiming they had previously dated a colleague and 23 per cent of the respondents claiming they have been intimate at their workplace. Of the 967 respondents, 38 per cent said that work had been a factor, if not the reason for a relationship ending. Furthermore, 30 per cent said profession was the key determinant in whether or not they would date someone.
Source: RSVP