If you have found the interest in your LinkedIn profile waning, it could be time to revise how you describe yourself and consider whether you’re coming off as just ‘more of the same’.
For the HR professional, LinkedIn is an essential tool – it’s just the way business is done. From identifying candidates, to being a candidate yourself, it’s paramount that you’re using the right lingo. Yet chances are you’re using words that were edgy in 2005.
“Creative”, “Effective” and “Motivated” are among Australia’s most overused profile buzzwords according to the 2012 audit. While these words may be accurate, it pays to think outside the box.
Career coach and director at Nourish Coaching, Sally-Anne Blanshard, said that for professionals wanting to stand out, it’s important to have a profile and a summary that is genuine and represents your skills, strengths and aspirations. “Millions of professionals say they're 'creative,' so set yourself apart by making reference to specific projects or achievements. You can also cross-reference your recommendations and testimonials with what you state you are good at, so there is a common theme when people are checking out your profile,” Blanshard said.
The top 10 buzzwords that appear most in Aussie profiles are:
If your LinkedIn profile has been bitten by the buzzword bug, there are a few ways to start afresh for 2013:
Check out the competition
Become a magnet for endorsements
Make heads turn with a killer professional headline