APAC HR Report: 48 hours left to win

The Asia-Pacific region’s biggest industry report must close this Friday

APAC HR Report: 48 hours left to win

HRD’s third annual Asia Pacific HR Report survey will close in just two days, making this the final call for HR practitioners from across the region to get involved.

Take a few minutes to tell us the greatest challenges you are facing and go in the draw to win.

The report will once again provide HR professionals with the platform to provide their feedback on the major trends and developments shaping the HR profession in 2017.

All respondents will receive their own personal copy of the APAC HR Report later in the year and also go into a prize draw to win a bottle of Dom Pérignon champagne.

Complete the survey now.

Findings from the report will be published in HRD magazine later this year and in sister publications across Asia and New Zealand.