An evidence-based approach to succession planning

Succession management is something every organisation needs to consider and often it will come down to HR to ensure every team or department has a pipeline in place.

Succession management is something every organisation needs to consider and often it will come down to HR to ensure every team or department has a pipeline in place.

The best organisations are those that continually develop their talent and ensure the opportunities are there to move high performers over time. Bruce Watt, managing director of DDI Australia, says a good succession management plan will both meet business needs and fulfill the developmental goals of its employees who seek to take on greater responsibilities. Every organisation will have a slightly different profile of what it needs from its senior leaders, and it is important that HR can provide guidance and drive the process of identifying potential leaders and accelerating their development.

To learn more, register today for the HR Directors Forum in Sydney next month, where Bruce Watt will be delivering a presentation on strategies to improve succession-planning capabilities in your organisation. The HR Directors Forum will be held on 10-11th April in conjunction with the 11th annual National HR Summit, and is designed to meet the information and development needs of HR directors and senior decision-makers. 

For more information and to register visit the official event website.