Abbott confirms Parental Leave scheme will be abandoned
Tony Abbott has said in a statement that his signature Paid Parental Leave scheme is to be shelved in favour of childcare programs.
The prime minister announced today that the government will shelve his signature Paid Parental Leave scheme.
Addressing the Press Club, Abbott outlined his reasoning behind the decision.
“Over Christmas, I said that over the break I’d be better targeting the proposed Paid Parental Leave scheme and scaling it back in a Families Package focusing on childcare,” Abbott said in a statement today.
“I support better Paid Parental Leave to maximise young peoples’ – like my daughter’s – choices to have a career and have a family also,” he said. “I accept though that what’s desirable is not always doable – especially when times are tough and budgets are tight.”
He said that the Productivity Commission and Australian parents have told him that the focus has to be on childcare “if we want higher participation and a stronger economy,” adding that because of this, “that bigger Parental Leave scheme is off the table.”
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