The Australian Government has allocated $3 million in funding for enterprises which specifically target job seekers with a disability.
The Australian Government has allocated $3 million in funding for enterprises which specifically target job seekers with a disability.
The funding aims to encourage the participation of people with a disability in the workforce. Employers can make funding submissions from July 2010 through the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) current Disability Employment Services and Australian Disability Enterprise programs.
Minister for Employment Participation Mark Arbib says while the Australian employment market is showing great resilience with unemployment down to 5.2 per cent, Australia also needs to make sure no one is left behind, and that everyone who is able to participate in the labour market has the best opportunity to find a job.
Speaking at the at the national ACE Disability Employment Services Conference in Hobart Arbib said that during the 2010-11 and 2012 years a total of $3 million has been provided for this initiative.