Australian Industry Group news

Victoria commits to recommendations addressing misconduct in construction sector

Victoria commits to recommendations addressing misconduct in construction sector

But Ai Group says measures will burden employers while failing to address union misconduct

Low levels of literacy, numeracy hitting Australian firms' productivity

Low levels of literacy, numeracy hitting Australian firms' productivity

New report says employers 'need to get basics right' to boost productivity

Ai Group expresses support for proposed Cyber Security Act

Ai Group expresses support for proposed Cyber Security Act

Act 'walks tightrope between protecting our industries and implementing effective, workable regulation,' group says

Review begins on Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act

Review begins on Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act

Employers hopeful for wide-ranging, meaningful dialogue during review

Australia's annual wage growth hits record levels

Australia's annual wage growth hits record levels

Quarterly wage sees highest-ever increase over any December quarter in past decade